In New York City, Universal Pre-K is offered. This means children turning 4 years old during the calendar year are able to go school.
My youngest daughter's birthday is late in the year and so is one of the youngest, if not the youngest, in her class. This was a big transition. Last September, she did a preschool program for 3 year olds that was 1/2 a day and continued for the entire summer. Afternoon's she could take a nice long nap (1-2 hours) after school and be well rested to play until bedtime at around 9pm.
Now, Pre-K starts at 8:20am and finishes at 2:30pm. Since we will be completely transitioning off a Nanny we signed up our little one for the in-school after school program that let's us pick her up anytime until 530pm. Since we still have the Nanny and being the first week, we had the Nanny pick her up around 330pm to get her used to after school.
Logistically everything is working out, but our little one was so exhausted and acting a bit delirious at night time. So she's been requesting to go to sleep around 730pm. The tough thing though, is the mornings. Every morning she wakes up balling saying "I don't want to go to school". She's got a loud voice and my ears are starting to get the brunt of it. Hopefully things will get better for next week. She has also been waken up with poop in her diapers, so that is a bit of a regression.
My daughter's class has about 16 children in it with 1 teacher and 1
teaching assistant (that is partially or fully paid for by the PTA).
They have hot lunch included with school and just needs to bring a
backpack with water and a snack (there was a school supplies we had to
bring, but that looks to be a one time thing).
If I had to re-do summer, I would consider shrinking her nap, and also having her do a few afternoons at the preschool with nap time. But the trade off would have been less time with the Nanny who is teaching her Chinese.
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